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The following endpoints are available.


This is the basic entry point into our datasets to request both historical and forecast weather data.

Parameter Description Notes
param Valid parameters Default: temperature, dewpoint_temperature, mean_sea_level_pressure, wind_speed, 100m_wind_speed, relative_humidity, surface_solar_radiation, surface_thermal_radiation, total_cloud_cover, total_precipitation
start start datetime string YYYY-MM-DD Defaults to 3 days into the past. Provided time is interpreted as UTC.
end end datetime string YYYY-MM-DD Defaults to 7 days into the future. Provided time is interpreted as UTC.
freq H (hourly), D (daily), or M (monthly) Defaults to H (hourly)
resample_method max, mean, min, or sum When the frequency is set to daily (D) or monthly (M), use this to specify the aggregation method.
location location string, such as address, city name or zipcode This value is used to look up latitude/longitude.
location_id reference for location This is handy when making requests for multiple locations.
lat latitude(s) If location parameter is not provided.
lon longitude(s) If location parameter is not provided.
north latitude north For bounding box.
south latitude south For bounding box.
east longitude east For bounding box.
west longitude west For bounding box.
model era5, era5land, gfs, gefs, hrrr, cfs, hrrr-subhourly, nam-conus Use to specify dataset if applicable.
format json, csv, or netcdf Defaults to json format.

Requesting multiple locations

import requests

api_key = 'your-api-key'
url = ''

r = requests.get(url,
                 params={'param': ['temperature', 'wind_speed'],
                         'lat': [23.1, 42.1],
                         'lon': [114.1, -79.3],
                         'location_id': ['store1', 'store2'],
                         'start': '2022-01-01',
                         'end': '2022-12-31'},
                 headers={'api-key': api_key}

api_key <- 'your-api-key'
url <- ""

queryString <- list(
    param = 'temperature', param = 'wind_speed',    
    start = '2022-01-01',
    end = '2022-12-31',
    lat = 23.1, lat = 42.1,
    lon = 114.1, lon = -79.3,
    location_id = 'store1', location_id = 'store2')

response <- GET(url, query=queryString, add_headers('api-key'=api_key))

Requesting a region

Let's say we wanted to look at the regional weather forecast for all of New England. We can request the data by specifying the bounding box for New England as shown below:

import requests

api_key = 'your-api-key'

r = requests.get('',
                 params={'north': 47.38,
                         'south': 39.5,
                         'east': -65.2,
                         'west': -80.8,
                         'model': 'hrrr'},
                 headers={'api-key': api_key}

This will return the data in NetCDF format, which we can see here:

HRRR Forecast Data


Up to 3 years of GFS and HRRR forecast data (00Z and 12Z runs) are archived.

Parameter Description Notes
param Valid parameters Default: temperature, dewpoint_temperature, wind_speed, mean_sea_level_pressure, surface_solar_radiation, surface_thermal_radiation, total_cloud_cover
location city name or zipcode This value is used to look up latitude/longitude.
lat latitude(s) If location parameter is not provided. Up to 100 locations allowed.
lon longitude(s) If location parameter is not provided. Up to 100 locations allowed.
utc_cycle datetime of the run (00z or 12z) This specifies the model run. E.g. 2023-07-01T12:00:00
model gfs or hrrr This specifies the archived model (defaults to gfs).


Parameter Description Notes
param Valid parameters Default: CO, NO, NO2, O3, PM10, PM25, SO2
location city name or zipcode This value is used to look up latitude/longitude.
lat latitude(s) If location is not provided. Up to 100 locations allowed.
lon longitude(s) If location is not provided. Up to 100 locations allowed.
import requests

api_key = 'your-api-key'

r = requests.get('',
                 params={'lat': [32, 24, 40],
                         'lon': [32, 24, 40],
                         'location_id': ['store1', 'store2','store3']},
                 headers={'api-key': api_key}


This API will return an EnergyPlus Weather (EPW) file for the given location and year (if applicable). The EPW is generated from ERA5 data on the fly and is not limited to airport locations. Downloading EPW file can also be done via our Weather Downloader App, but if you require many hundreds of EPW files, downloading via API is easier to do.

Parameter Description Notes
location city name or zipcode This value is used to look up latitude/longitude.
lat latitude If location parameter is not provided. We suggest using lat/lon if you need to specify a precise coordinate.
lon longitude See above.
year year for AMY If not specified, a TMY file will be returned using the latest 15 years of data (180 months).
import requests

api_key = 'your-api-key'

r = requests.get('',
                 params={'lat': 23.1,
                         'lon': 114.2,
                         'year': 2020},
                 headers={'api-key': api_key}


Use this to get an update of the data. If you'd like to check that the data has been updated before making a call, use this API endpoint. This API call does not use any data units.

import requests

api_key = 'your-api-key'

r = requests.get('',
                 headers={'api-key': api_key}

This call will return data in JSON format that lists the datasets the available date range for each dataset as shown below.

{'era5': {'start': '1940-01-01 00 UTC', 
          'end': '2023-07-18 14 UTC'}, 
 'hrrr': {'forecast_start': '2023-07-24 00 UTC', 
          'forecast_end': '2023-07-26 00 UTC'}, 
 'gfs': {'forecast_start': '2023-07-23 18 UTC', 
         'forecast_end': '2023-08-08 06 UTC'}, 
 'cfs': {'forecast_start': '2023-07-23 06 UTC', 
         'forecast_end': '2023-11-01 00 UTC'}, 
 'silam': {'forecast_start': '2023-07-22 00 UTC', 
           'forecast_end': '2023-07-27 00 UTC'}, 


Use this to get information on your current API usage.

import requests

api_key = 'your-api-key'

r = requests.get('',
                 headers={'api-key': api_key}

This will return JSON data that looks like this:

    "incl_units_per_billing_period": 300000,
    "current_usage": 2549138,
    "daily_usage": 0